With new developments, “The City of Helping Hands” aims to preserve its small-town charm. Potterville, conveniently located off Interstate 69, serves as the vibrant downtown hub with easy access to Lansing. Looking to move here or spend a day in Potterville? Keep scrolling to explore!
The Local Element of Potterville: “Small Community Feel”
Potterville Real Estate Market Update
Making a move to Potterville?
Information on Average home sales data in this neighborhood in the last 12 months. Source homes.com
Sale Price: $257,685
% of Sales Price vs List Price: 2.19% over list price
Bedrooms: 3 beds
Bathrooms: 2.5 baths
Square Footage: 2,205 sq feet
Price Per Square Foot: $117/sq foot
Number of Days a Home is on the Market: 28
Potterville Schools
Looking to move to Potterville and want to learn more about the schools available? Check them out below.
More from Potterville Schools: “Potterville Public Schools believes in a whole child personal approach to best reach our students’ needs academically, behaviorally, and socially to cultivate our youth into respectful, responsible, and safe citizens for their future”