Nestled between two shopping centers and intersected by two primary commuter routes in Lansing, Groesbeck presents itself as a conveniently located suburban community situated at the northern boundaries of both Lansing and East Lansing. Looking to move here or spend a day in Groesbeck? Keep scrolling to explore!
The Local Element of Groesbeck: “Convenient Suburban”
Groesbeck Real Estate Market Update
Making a move to Groesbeck?
Information on Average home sales data in this neighborhood in the last 12 months. Source
Sale Price: $243,834
% of Sales Price vs List Price: 2.02% sold over list price
Bedrooms: 3 beds
Bathrooms: 2.5 baths
Square Footage: 2,407 sq feet
Price Per Square Foot: $103/sq foot
Number of Days a Home is on the Market: 12
Groesbeck Schools
Looking to move to Groesbeck and want to learn more about the schools available? Check them out below.
More from Lansing Public Schools: “Dedicated to providing a high-quality education in a culturally safe and nurturing environment that supports all students to live purposeful and fulfilling lives.”
Post Oak Academy
Grades PK - 8
2320 Post Oak Ln.
Lansing, MI 48912
Pattengill Biotechnical Academy
Grades PK - 8
815 North Fairview Ave
Lansing, MI 48912
Eastern High School
"Our mission is to develop inquiring, knowledgeable, and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect."
Grades 8 - 12
626 Marshall St.
Lansing, MI 48912